
What is CSORP?

CSORP stands for the Complete Separation of Religion and Politics.

Our main objective is to raise awareness about the inherent dangers in combining Religion and Politics. In all actuallity, not a lot has to be proven about the damage of mixing politics with religion has caused. All one must do is look to the headlines to figure it out for themselves.

One fact which boggles the mind is the amount of destruction and death Religion has caused the world as we know it. Did you know that Religion is responsible for more deaths than WWI and WWII combined?

Looking back through history (Starting like yesterday!) we see the horrors caused by these cults all pretending to praise a loving and forgiving God. The hypocrisy is staggering…read through the bible yourself to see the hypocrisy in all of is glory. But, we can’t stop at the bible alone; look to evangelists in the 20th and 21st century to see more hypocrisy. It is happening more often than anyone thinks, we hear about time after time how these so called ‘God fearing men’ are corrupt, greedy, practise infidelity and worse prey on young childern.

Our Personal views on the matter differ from what we are trying to accomplish here. We ask for the complete separation of Religion and State around the globe. We know it is a gigantic challenge but we also know that it is possible thanks in part to social media and the internet. Social media in 2011 alone has shown the masses the potential for great change world-wide.

Although personally we would love to see Religion completely abolished and buried good and deep (Just in case it decides to rise again after the third day), we know this is not likely in our life-time. So, we ask our governments, local politicians and you to stand together and demand they not dictate from parliament, House of Commons, or any other political platform a clearly outdated religious doctrine.

Our fundamental rights as human beings have been trampled on enough; we are not by any means saying to outlaw Religion completely, we are simply asking that they live and let live. If you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist…whatever, keep it to yourselves and worship together all you want, but give the rest of us freedom to decide on our own.

We do not believe what you believe, therefore you cannot stand and judge or dictate to us on how you think we should live.

CSORP has some solutions on how to accomplish this and for further information we ask that you read on and help keep our world safe from the devastating affects of Organized Religion. It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a few can in fact change the world and views of the many.

Become apart of the movement.

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